When you submit, please select "Special Sessions 2: Food xR – Immersive Technologies for Food and Nutrition Studies"
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ICVR 2025 is being held at Wageningen, the secret capital of a region also referred to as the Food Valley. Wageningen University and Research, not surprisingly, have a world-wide recognized leadership position in food related research. Food and food systems are seen as key to solving pressing planetary and social challenges from climate change to combating the obesity crisis. Embracing new technologies, WUR has created a vibrant community focusing integrating immersive technologies into their research as core to an internationally growing network. It is therefore timely and desirable to feature a session on food in light of emerging trends in immersive technologies at ICVR, which will be located at the heart of WUR. This Session will showcase how humanity will get closer to addressing its current, food-related challenges by embracing immersive technologies.
Related topics; Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Visualization/communication of futures related to food choices
- Visualization of food environments
- XR experiences as food/nutrition interventions
- Using XR to understand consumer food choices
- Using multisensory XR to understand consumption experiences
- XR tools for dietary assessment and nutrition education
- Cross-reality analytics for comprehensive understanding of food-behavior
- Immersive environments as sophisticated research tools
- Immersive analytics for food choices
For any question, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Alexander Klippel, Cultural Geography Research Group & Science Advisor WANDER XR Experience Lab, Wageningen University and Research
Dr. Nina Rosa, Cultural Geography Research Group, Wageningen University and Research
Email of main contact person;